Monday, March 16, 2009

The Weekend

So, how did your weekend go? We showed Fireproof, the movie with Kirk Cameron, at our church Saturday afternoon. I couldn't get to sleep that night and woke up early the next morning unable to get back to sleep. I'm not a therapist, but that movie touched me psychologically, I believe. All day Sunday, I felt like I'd been hit by a Mack truck. I taught Sunday School, played for church, left church, went to eat, straight to a baby shower, home for a 45-minute nap, and back to church to play and run the sound.
Keeping in mind my goal to gain health, I ate a WeightWatchers meal before the movie Saturday night so I wouldn't pig out on the pizza we served afterwards. Late that evening my husband and split a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, which kept me to my promise of portion control.
Last night after church my husband and I ate pizza I'd picked up at Sam's Club made by Kashi. It was good! Vegetarian on a whole grain, super-thin, almost like a cracker crust. I think I could be a spokesperson for Kashi. I love all of their products.
Considering how busy our weekend was, I did plan ahead and ate with awareness. Until now, I suppose I would have scarfed down a bunch of pizza after the movie and eaten like crazy after church last night using the excuse, "Well, I've had a long day. I deserve it. And besides, I'll start on Monday."
Tell me - does it ever really work to start something new on Monday?
Oh, and I'm praising God because I just got word from a friend that his entire family of wife and four kids were in a horrendous car accident over the weekend where they had to be extricated with the 'jaws of life' yet every person came out of that accident with no serious injuries.

How'd your weekend go?


  1. Yay! Celebrating your healthy food choices with you! It's not always easy, is it? And praising Him with you for the miraculous safety of the family who had the horrible car accident.

  2. Thank you, Carrie! Now I need to go get a big, glass of water. I just realized it's 11 AM and I haven't had one drop. Uh-oh. That's my hardest resolution to keep so far.

  3. What a weekend! Congratulations on doing so well with your eating, Donna! I'm glad you mentioned the healthier pizza at Sam's Club. My husband loves pizza and has given it up for his diet (he's lost over 25 pounds and is doing great!). Thanks for sharing about he family in the accident and the blessing of the outcome.

  4. That's great that your husband has lost 25 lbs, Connie! That's about the ammount where people really start noticing and commenting.

    I've looked for those pizzas at Sam's but haven't found them again. Guess I'll have to break down and buy them at Kroger's.


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