Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Off the Wagon

I'm not sure what falling off the wagon means, but I'm pretty sure I've fallen. I won't say I can't get up, but I'm tempted. The past two weeks have been stressful and the coming two weeks promise more of the same. That said - I can't seem to get back into my routine of drinking water and cutting portions. It's like the the more stressed I get, the more I want to eat. Could explain my present condition!

So I needed encouragement bigtime. This morning Wendy posted a verse on Facebook coming at just the right time for me.

"When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then you knew my path" (Psalm 142:3a).
When I read this, I remembered - God knows. He knows me. He knows my struggles. He knows all about this weary body, and will strengthen me as I endeavor to rebuild this 'temple' where the Holy Spirit resides into a vessel that can be better used to glorify Him.
Back up I climb. I'm determined to stay on course.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

YOU - Staying Young

Dr. Roizen has another book out - YOU Staying Young. I'm not one who obsesses over looking like a kid, but I would like to feel good for as long as I can. Dr. Michael F. Roizen has video health tips and answers to questions like...How do I lower my blood pressure? or How do I get the sleep I need?

Here's the link: http://www.cbn.com/special/youstayingyoung/

Conquering the Munchie Monster

This guy has a recipe for Power Pancakes that reduce your waistline? Oh, hey now - that's for me! Pecan Chicken and cookies, too.

Ready to Pray?

Today I go back to the doctor again for yet another test. Please pray I'll have peace during the test and while I wait for the results.

Also - my son is leaving on vacation. Please pray for a safe trip.

I don't like to take without giving, so I leave you with this verse today. I hope it blesses you. Get your Bible out and feast on His Word today. God is our Master Physician.

Proverbs 4:20-22:

My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh.

If you have prayer requests for me, please leave them in the comments. Thanks SO much!

UPDATE: Well, this is discouraging. The doc called and the test results were inconclusive. I have to come in for a consultation - whatever that means. Probably more tests.

I know one thing - I'll never had the test I had the other day again. Wow. That was no picnic.

The Good News - my son had a wonderful flight and comes home today. I've really missed him. Please pray for his safe return.

Thanks for the prayers, emails, and comments.

Monday, May 11, 2009

How Are You Measuring Up?

I'm down 12 pounds and three inches around my waist. Seems like I should be down more in weight, doesn't it? I do know the first place I gain and consequently, the first place I lose is in my waist. Remember when I talked about the health consequences of the waist-to-hip ratio? Did you measure?

Monday, May 4, 2009

What's Your Trigger Clothing?

I've already mentioned my trigger setting - in front of the TV, my trigger food - potato chips (sour cream and onion), and now I want to talk about clothing.
I work out of my home, so I have the option of working in whatever I want. Not good.
My trigger clothing? Stretchy pajamas and/or my fleece robe. I feel so comfy without the limitations of a waistband. What difference will a piece (or bar) of candy make?
Do you have a piece of clothing that, when you put it on, you feel like you can go ahead and eat anything with no ill effects? How many sizes do you have lined up in your closet?
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